Snapshots of myTodos

This is the login page. To login into myTodos you fill out the login form wiht your email address and the password.


On the main page you have an overview of your registered todos. You can reach myTodos functionalities from menues on the left or through links in the main area.


In the profile page your can put in the main data of your person.


This is the todos page. You have here an overview of your registered todos with subject, details of the Todo and date type and so on. You can manage your todos in this page, i.e. you can add, delete or modify your todos.


This is the reports page. You are offered with some report types to choose, i.e. you can view your due dates of today, this week, this month ... and so on. By clicking on one of these links you'll get a report of the due dates of your selected report type.


In this page you have a report of the due dates of your todos according to the selected report type. This report will be also optionally send to you by email.

Due dates